(Jr Botea) I am not sure where speed dating originated from, nor do I really care. I am aware that speed dating is in Kenya and that people actually take part in it. I have also watched the process on TV and I have to admit it had me fooled for a moment there. You take your single and dressed up self to a designated place where you find single members of the opposite sex and several tables. You sit with some stranger and have a certain amount of time to chat and get to know each other before the timer goes off, when your time is up you have to switch and start the process again with a new potential… partner? The idea is that you could find your match and not have to spend much time or money doing it. You can meet up to 10 girls or guys in one night and have like 5-10 min with each one and choose the one you like.
It sounds pretty great, summing up all that time into one night, but speeding up a thing such as dating means you miss a lot of details you need to take time to figure out and see. I believe that anything done in a hurry is bound to get you in a mess in just as short a time. There are many things in this world that should never be rushed and dating is one of them. When dating, you want to take time to see someone over and over and over again to find out if they are who they say they are and if you could be who you think you can with them. It is very easy to pretend for weeks, even months, but it’s not easy to keep up a lie before you get caught. If you keep things up it is very easy to miss it all.
The Bible says that for everything there is a time, the Bible also says that we should be anxious for nothing. Anything that has to be done speedily is done in anxiety. Dating is the one area where time does not apply. You can take all the time you want to figure out if this person is the one, if this person is for real. Many times women let down their guard for a man they thought was the perfect gentleman. We invite them into our lives only to have them tear us apart, we even invite them into our homes and have them rape us in our own bed, by invitation! We give ourselves willingly and voluntarily to a perfect stranger, who poses as our friend.
Dating is the process of investigation, evaluation, testing, trial and double checking. It is the time you have to go all CSI on the other person and they have no right to complain or rush you. In fact, if they are rushing you it is one of the key factors to let you know something is wrong. Dating should never be rushed, pushed, or driven too fast. Dating is not a crescendo process where you move from zero to sixty in 3.5 seconds, it’s not a super sport, or a race car, dating should be done sta-ca-to. One- step –at- a- time it should be done slowly and surely, making absolutely sure you do not go to the next level before you are done with the level you are in. There are no short cuts, there are no get out of jail free cards, you cannot just run and pass go and collect 200.
Speed dating, leads to speedy relationships, speedy decisions, a speedy marriage and a speedy divorce. Take your time. Go slow, stay safe and be sure. Take all the time you need.
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