» » » 3 Things he wouldn’t ask if he loved you

When you’re in love per se, there is nothing you wouldn’t do for your partner.  Although love should be unconditional, sometimes, women and even men, find themselves in a situation where they may feel the need to prove their love to their partner – even if it means compromising their morals and beliefs to show them what an understanding and loving catch you are.

“If you loved me, you’d…”
Sound familiar?  No sentence should ever begin with such a phrase, and if it does, start running.  Your love and devotion should simply be enough.  Couples who share true love will never have to prove anything to each other, answer or reason to anything.  Trust is all that’s needed.
Such a sentence only works if you have insecurities of your relationships, and therefore will be easily manipulated to believe that you need to prove your love.  Showing your love should never be shameful, illegal, humiliating or anything that compromises you.
Here are 3 things you should never do simply because they say they love you

“If you loved me, you’d let me not use a condom”
If your man tries to convince you not to use a condom, prior to any health checkups etc., head to the door and never look back. He is not only showing you that he doesn’t value your sexual health, he doesn’t value his own either. Men who refuse to wear condoms because he doesn’t like the way they feel, says he can’t feelyou or because he claims to only be having sex with you are simply reckless and irresponsible. No matter what stage you’re in in your relationship, not using a condom should be a mutual decision based on trust and  love and at least two visits to the clinic to make sure you both are STD free.

“If you loved me, you’d let me videotape you”
Sure, it may seem hot at the time but allowing a man to videotape you in a moment of passion may be a bigmistake, especially if you’re usually shy about that sort of thing. If you’re into it and it spices up your sex life, then go for it. But if you feel weird or unsure about it, don’t do it. In the age of social media and YouTube, don’t take a chance that the guy you’re madly in love with won’t get a kick out of showing it to his boys. He may say that the video is for your eyes only, but trust and believe, someone else will see it…especially if you ever break up.

“If you loved me, you’d let yourself get high or drunk”
If your man  “meets the chief” every once in a while yet you’ve never inhaled anything into your lungs and you never planned to, don’t start now. I won’t go so far as to tell women that they shouldn’t date a man with a recreational drug habit but if he’s a weed head, let him be a weed head by himself. If alcohol is his “thing” but you can’t stand the taste of beer, wine, liquor or any other form of alcoholic beverage, don’t let him talk you into drinking or getting drunk – even just for fun. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard men say, “Awww, come one, just one drink won’t hurt you.” But all alcoholics started off with “one drink” which led to another and another and another. Again, I’m not here to preach about drugs or alcohol – but take heed if your man over indulges in either. All I’m saying is, if you don’t drink or do drugs, and never had an interest in doing so, then don’t start now…and certainly not because your boyfriend asks you to. If he loved you, he’d respect and admire your decision. Just say no!

Tunaomba Maoni yako Hapa :

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