A clingy man wants to constantly be beside you. He does not have his own life and no friends for that matter. He has even taken a liking to some of your hobbies so that you can spend more time together. He has also become like your “handbag” in that you have to bring him everywhere with you…Clingy much?
Ladies, here are signs your man is a clingy mess
Eeek! Who likes a clinger? It’s like wearing a shirt with an irritating tag at the back that keeps poking at you. Arrrghhh! Even mothers with clingy children sometimes just want to run and hide from their clingy little ones. Fine, sometimes in relationships it is allowed to be insecure like when we are not quite sure what our significant other is getting up to. In such cases the wise thing to do is to do nothing about it! Do not voice it out or act on it at least until he/she gives you a full reason to pull out your insecurity guns. Often women are known to be the openly clingy bunch but nowadays there are worryingly increasing cases of men being overly insecure hence being too clingy. And when a man is clingy…it’s disgusting and messy. Clingy does not look good on any man!
You may mistake Mr. clingy man with Mr. Possessive. So you’re not sure if your man is a clingy mess? Below are clues:
*Miss his call and he misses his cue to keep his cool
A clingy man always imagines that you want to leave him so he is very insecure. When you miss his call for whatever reason he starts imagining his own things like maybe you are cuddling with another. Whenever you miss his calls and he raises hell about it later…then you got yourself a clinger!
*Without you he is lost!
A clingy man wants to constantly be beside you. He does not have his own life and no friends for that matter. He has even taken a liking to some of your hobbies so that you can spend more time together. He has also become like your “handbag” in that you have to bring him everywhere with you…Clingy much?
A clingy man wants to constantly be beside you. He does not have his own life and no friends for that matter. He has even taken a liking to some of your hobbies so that you can spend more time together. He has also become like your “handbag” in that you have to bring him everywhere with you…Clingy much?
This man feels the need to be around you at all times. He is afraid of life unknown without you in it. The only thing that might matter to him besides you is his work because he feels the need to provide for you so that you can stick around. He works very hard too. Aside from work, he always wants to spend every waking hour with you.
*He doesn’t have friends of his own
Since this guy feels that he needs to spend every waking hour with you his friends have to take a back seat. He becomes so focused on you such that he.must.be.with.you! At some point his friends ceased indulging him because he always brought you everywhere even when the boys were against it.
*“Do you love me?” is a question he poses every so often
His insecurities make him want to constantly seek reassurance that you love him and you won’t leave him. He often asks this question out of the blue even sends you texts to inquire if you still do. He is always deep in thought and randomly blurts out future fantasies about the two of you together forever and in love.
*He constantly makes plans to ensure you are always together
He includes you in everything he does even if it is something that doesn’t concern you. He brings you to all his work functions and his plans are always arranged way in advance to make sure that you don’t make plans with other people.
*Just the thought of you cheating is an instant depressant
He often goes through your phone and tries to listen in on your conversations. He may pretend that it doesn’t bother him that you have male friends but it actually does. He tries not to have any contact with any other female including colleagues while secretly hoping that you’ll do the same.
*He is always dropping by
He often shows up at your work place, at the salon when you’re getting your hair done or when you are having a girls night out. He feels the need to always check if there’s another guy involved. He doesn’t mind sitting in the salons lobby waiting for you. To him watching you in the hands of your male hairdresser is much more fun than watching football with the boys at a sports bar. He is always conveniently in the neighborhood just passing by and so he decided to come say hi.
*The thought of you going out with friends puts his moods in a damper
As much as sometimes he cannot tell you not to hang out with your friends for fear you might get upset and leave him, he feels ever insecure that you might meet someone else while you’re out without him. It pains him so much that instantly he develops a weird mood.
In a worse case scenario he will tag along with you to the girls nights out or will insist to come and pick you up once you’re done not forgetting that he’ll be calling every hour to ask if you’re done.
*He might have strange requests
He feels weird that you are still in contact with your exes he might ask you to cut all ties with them. He will constantly try to take you on guilt trips if he finds out that you’ve been communicating with the ex.
He will also try to isolate you from your friends and when you’re with your friends he is always in a funk because he feels left out. Seeing you having fun with others depresses him a little and so you will be forced to always go home a little earlier than planned. To him having little parties in the house just the two of you is what makes him happy even if you are bored out of your skulls.
Have you watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall? (see the trailer below) it will give you a clue on how clingy men behave.If you are in a relationship with a clingy man, you are in the wrong relationship! Don’t marry this guy, because it gets worse. Unless you are also clingy.A clingy man is a disturbed man and something is definitely wrong with him. You may think it’s sweet that he wants to spend all his time with you and he needs you around all the time but be aware, that it is not healthy and you will see the repercussions of staying with such a man later and believe me it gets messy. You will be two lonely people, in your own little boring world with no one wanting to hang out with you while the rest of the world is busy living a full carefree life.
Clingy is the worst thing a man can be. You may think it’s sweet at first but be aware, soon you will be trying to break free but it might be too late.
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