Habari kwa Ufupi :

» » » Wahu asimulia jinsi mwanaye alivyonusurika kuwepo Westgate siku ya shambulio

Tukio la kushambuliwa kwa jengo la biashara Westgate jijini Nairobi takribani wiki mbili zilizopita litaendelea kubaki katika kumbukumbu za watu wengi kwa muda mrefu, kutokana na jinsi lilivyogusa maisha ya watu kwa namna tofauti akiwemo mwimbaji kutoka Kenya Wahu.
Wahu and daughter
Wahu Kagwi ambaye ni mke wa mwimbaji Nameless amesimulia jinsi mwanaye alivyonusurika kuwepo katika eneo hilo siku kikundi cha magaidi wa Al-shaabab kiliposhambulia jengo hilo na kusababisha hasara ya maisha ya watu Wengi.
wahu and daughter2
Kupitia blog yake yake, Wahu amesema siku hiyo ya shambulio Jumamosi (September 21) mwanaye wa kwanza Tumiso Nyakwea (aliyewahi kumdedicate hit song yake ya �Sweet Love�) alikuwa anatarajiwa kwenda Westgate lakini yalitokea mabadiliko ya ghafla bila kujua nini kingetokea baadaye.
Mwimbaji huyo wa �Still a Liar� ameendelea kusema mwanaye Tumiso alikuwa akutane na mtoto mwenzake kwaajili ya kucheza pamoja lakini bahati nzuri (bahati mbaya kwa wakati ule) asubuhi ya siku hiyo, mama wa mtoto mwenzie aliyekuwa wakutane aliwaapigia simu na kuwaambia mpango umebadilika badala ya kwenda Westgate wataenda sehemu nyingine.
Hiki ndicho Wahu alichokiandika:
�My daughter was supposed to be at Westgate for a play date that fateful Saturday; but that morning, her friend�s mum called to change the date from lunch and a movie at Westgate to swimming at Laico. Little did we know what was to happen later that day. As I watched the unfolding story on TV, I couldn�t help but cry�cry out of empathy for the victims, cry for mercy�and cry at the thought that it could�ve been my little girl needing to be rescued.
That evening, I held my family tighter than I ever have and showered them with kisses. I could see the confusion on Tumiso�s face as she could tell that her dad and I were obviously shaken.
I dedicate this blog post to all those who have lost loved ones in the tragedy; all those recovering in hospital from this cowardly act; all those who risked their lives to save their fellow Kenyans. Let not our spirit be broken. Instead, let this incident strengthen our national pride and brotherly love.�


Tunaomba Maoni yako Hapa :

Picha: RAY C anunua Mkoko Mpyaa licheki hapa
P-Square ‘Personally’ kufanya show Tanzania mwezi ujao (November)

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