Katika tamko hilo, Ikulu ya Marekani imeeleza kuwa haita-comment kuhusu ombi hilo linalojulikana kama ‘We ThePeople’.
Thanks for your petition and your participation in We the People. Sorry to disappoint, but we won’t be commenting on this one ...” Imeeleza katika tamko hilo.
Hata hivyo, imewashukuru watu hao kwa kuonesha kujali kuhusu suala la uhamiaji na kwamba suala hilo wamewaachia watu wengine walizungumzie.
“So we'll leave it to others to comment on Mr Bieber’s case, but we’re glad you care about immigration issues. Because our current system is broken."
Watu 275,000 walisaini ombi hilo kwa madai kuwa Justin Bieber amekuwa mfano mbaya kwa vijana wa Marekani kutokana na matendo yake mabaya ikiwemo uvutaji wa bangi, matendo ambayo yalikuwa yakiripotiwa mara kwa mara huku akiripotiwa kuwa kero kwa jirani zake.
Bieber amekuwa akikabiriwa na kesi kadhaa na nyumba yake kupekuliwa na polisi, huku akisimama kizimbani mara kadhaa kujitetea.
Hii ni petition hiyo iliyopata sahihi 275,000:
"We the people of the United States feel that we are being wrongly represented in the world of pop culture. We would like to see the dangerous, reckless, destructive, and drug abusing, Justin Bieber deported and his green card revoked. He is not only threatening the safety of our people but he is also a terrible influence on our nations youth. We the people would like to remove Justin Bieber from our society."
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